Most recent complaints about
Complaint by Marcelo :

Hello! I have your password - xxxxxxxxx I infected your PC through porno website which you visited some time ago with my private malware. I've got video of you masturbating(got it from webcam). I have all your personal data, contacts and friends lists. So you pay me 607$ in BTC(you may google the way to purchase it), or I am sending your movie(with all your kinky URLs, he-he) to all your kins and friends. It'll be ruine. Wallet: 1BMXBJWQjekAfhxTGcHu3AkveLmX6rTNhx Once payment is made, all of your personal information will be deleted automatically. You've got 24 hours, I know you read this email, clock is ticking. Best of luck!

Reported on: 16th, Sep. 2020
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