Your IP: United States Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Email Trace:

1.To begin the email trace copy paste the email headers below.

2.Hit the 'trace email' button.

Trace Email
This search will provide you with all of the information that is available through an IP search. You will get:

- the approximate geographical location of the user

- name of their ISP

- other available details (if available)

The report does not include other personal identifiable information.

What if you don't have the headers?

Click the tabs bellow to see detailed information about each email client

Outlook >>

1 - Right click on the email

2 - Select "Message options..."

3 - A window will appear. The headers are inside the "Internet headers" window

Visit the view headers in outlook page to see the video tutorial with pictures >>

Hotmail >>

1 - Open up the email

2 - Click on the little drop-down arrow right next to "reply" (top right)

3 - Select "View Message Source"

Visit the view headers in hotmail page to see the video tutorial with pictures >>

Gmail >>

1 - Open the message you received

2 - Click on the little drop-down arrow right next to reply ("top right")

3 - Select "show original"

Visit the view headers in gmail page to see the video tutorial with pictures >>

Yahoo >>

1 - Right click on the email (in the email list)

2 - Click "View Full Header"

3 - Alternatively you can click on "Actions" (inside the message) then "View Full Header"

Visit the view headers in Yahoo page to see the video tutorial with pictures >>

What is an email header:

It is information which is attached to every email. Email headers are hidden by default, but you can easily view them by following the step-by-step guide. Select your email client on the left side of the screen to view detailed instructions.

So if you're wondering whose this email address we can answer that question for you. Simply copy/paste the header information into the box to the left.

One of the best analogies for email headers is bus tickets. It will include information about the departure and the destination, so when you examine an email header to run an email trace you can expect to see things like source of the email (when it was sent), the email route and the information about the receiver.

Unfortunately it's same as with bus tickets. The sender can fake certain information. For example if the user is behind a proxy or a VPN you will get their masked IP address.

But often times it's not an issue. People think they're protected if they're sending messages from throw away email addresses. They don't stop to think that their source IP is registered. This means that vast majority of the time your email trace efforts will be successful.

Also keep in mind that certain email clients intentionally hide the sender's IP address. But they're few and far between. Majority of all the email clients are configured to capture and transmit the sender's IP via headers (much to your delight).