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Hi, I know your password is: *** You got infected with my malware, RAT... The malware gave me full control over your computer I collected all your private data and RECORDED YOU (through your webcam) SATISFYING YOURSELF!!! I can send the video to all your contacts To stop me, transfer exactly 1400$ in bitcoin (BTC). My bitcoin wallet is: 1PzrJSAhZSiYK93qLZnKsRzQzS49j5Ugzc I give you few days time to pay, I WON'T WAIT TOO LONG! Since I already have access to your account, I know if this email has been already read. If you get this email multiple times, it's to make sure you read it and after payment you can ignore it. Don't show this email to anyone, it will not help you but make everything worse, this should stay our little secret.

Reported on: 25th, Jul. 2021
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